05/09/15 08:07 AM

southjerseyangler Spinnerbait...biggest fish i've hooked and landed from this lake. I am trying to match ssheldon's fish, but not quite there yet! 2.8 pounds
ssheldon1 Bro. It was you. I what Oles all morning. On way home I saw guy fishing and yelled your name. O's productivity has peaked for big boys. Little bass were getting on softbaits. Nothing on big baits. We should just pick one place or the other and show up same place and time.

I'd be happy to catch that bass. We had grey overcast cover. I thought bass would be more aggressive
crewchief Sweet looking fish SJA, you are the MAN !!!!!!!!!!
crewchief And I love that so many or your pics have all kinds of traffic in the background, who says you have to get off the beaten path!

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