iv been fishin the milstone river for bass.. and have only got one small one.. and i dont know if river fishing is different fromlake fishing... but the only dam things im gettin is crappie and bluegill... haha its pissin me off.. anyone with any info would help me out alot.. thankx in advance..

Posted Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:46 pm

Bass (or any predatory fish for that matter) are going to try to get the most meal for the least amount of effort. In a river or stream, they have to fight the current, so look for anything that provides a current break. Rocks will form eddies behind them, and a bass will tend to sit in the slack current and wait for something tasty to drift by. They will do the same thing behind bridge pilings and fallen trees. I usually have good luck doing what is called a dead drift with a lead head jig (size depends on current) and any variety of soft plastics. Cast upstream, let it bounce along, (preferably along a path that goes from fast water to slow, look for current seams) and when you reach the end of your drift, let it hang there for a few seconds.

Alternatively, try your favorite lures in pools and other slack water spots, looking for cover that allows the fish to ambush whatever might swim or float by.

Posted Fri May 25, 2012 8:15 am

When I stream/river fish I wait until July and August. The water is lower and I can wade up and down the banks. I normally have good luck using "Phoebe" or "Rapala" lures.

Cast and retrive the Phoebe.
Cast and twitch the Rapala. Razz

Posted Fri May 25, 2012 11:26 am

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