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"Get Hooked on New Jersey"

Ed Sosa's Blog

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Blog Entrys:
no ticket
no ticket
Rahway park
Sucky Sunday
So it begins
rooster tails kick a...
Trout and live bait ...
My Quantumn Code Com...
killing them
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
no ticket

Watched a young man with long hair like a woman(blown out). Fishing at roosevelt with a surf casting rod today. Then I saw something I have not seen in 3 years. A park ranger, checking if people had their Licsence. I was shocked and even more preturbed when she asked the guy with the surf rod for his licsence and he did not have one. Instead of giving him the fine, which generates money for our sport and deters people from poaching fish. She let him go. She also checked if I had one and after verifying mine she got in her car and drove away...If this was Monmouth county the fines would have been given. Arent they there to protect the park and everything in it?....

Posted at 10:50 AM

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
no ticket

Watched a young man with long hair like a woman(blown out). Fishing at roosevelt with a surf casting rod today. Then I saw something I have not seen in 3 years. A park ranger, checking if people had their Licsence. I was shocked and even more preturbed when she asked the guy with the surf rod for his licsence and he did not have one. Instead of giving him the fine, which generates money for our sport and deters people from poaching fish. She let him go. She also checked if I had one and after verifying mine she got in her car and drove away...If this was Monmouth county the fines would have been given. Arent they there to protect the park and everything in it?....

Posted at 10:50 AM

Monday, April 22, 2013
Rahway park

Rahway park is 5 miles from my place, Rossevelt pond is 1 mile away. Roosevelt is flooded daily by fisherman and the bite is almost non existent, especially during the day. Rahway on the other hand has a pond and a stream, I caught fish with my first cast and continued to do so for an hour. although I am unsure of there being any monsters in there, it is still quite possible there are. There is only  one way to find out. I thinK i have found my new local fishing spot, it in no way measures up to any waters in Monmouth county, but it will do.

Posted at 08:52 PM

Monday, April 22, 2013
Sucky Sunday

I fished friday and saturday and did well. Sunday was weekend warrior day, lots of people out fishing and nothing bititng in Edison. Not even pan fish. Guys watching 3 poles and casting a spinner as well, swinging like a baseball bat and the lure traveling 10 yards. It was ludacris and funny as hell, redneck fishook on the hat, camo in the form of a shirt or pants, giving dirty looks as you pass by with shiny baitcasters and dressed like a normal person. I also want to know why its ok to fish for koi that were introduced into a pond. when you snag one or catch one and throw it in the garbage people get upset and cause scenes. I had to call a park ranger and explain the situation after gatting into an altercation on Saturday over a Koi. Our bleeding heart society is starting to annoy me. People who dont know anything but what they see on tv, social media and the internet fighting for causes they know nothing about and just to say they believe in something. I liked it better when fishing was an unrecognized past time.

Posted at 12:51 PM

Sunday, April 21, 2013
So it begins

 Murky water at some local lakes yielded 6 fish on a chartreuse spinner bait with chartreuse trailer...they were all in shallow stained water, some near the shoreline. The next closest pond was crystal clear and the bass were spawning, they were tight lipped and ignored the lures and jigs, but would attack jigs on their just started nests..no big ones to be seen. Geese have laid eggs and are attacking if you get too close. all in all it was a great fishing day.

Posted at 01:28 AM

Tuesday, April 16, 2013
rooster tails kick ass

 Stopped at the pond by my house this morning and caught 6 trout with a black rooster tail. I forgot to re tie and the line snapped at the lure, It was my only lure on hand since I only stopped after dropping my g/f off at work. The importance of having some tackle on hand 24/7 and re-tie after every fish can not  be overstated.

Posted at 09:51 AM

Monday, April 15, 2013
Trout and live bait fisherman

 The more I fish my local freshwater impoundments, the more annoyed I get. I get a trout stamp every year in order to fish some of these man made lakes. When I wake up at 6 to fish one of the bodies of water, I get there and theres a slew of guys in full fishing gear, in the middle of an urban area, with giant tackle boxes, vests and multiple poles.  They sit in armchairs, jumping for the pole when bream are nipping their bait. I fish these waters for bass with big baits, in my jeans and t shirt, polarized sunglasses and baits in my pocket, some times I bring my tackle book bag. All the while these guys will run up to me when I catch 6 fish in a 15 minute period, asking what are you using. When i tell them, they reply with, "thats bass tackle"....No shit Sherlock. I walk around while you sit in one place waiting for the fish to come to you. The pressure these fisherman impose on these waters, makes these fisheries brutal to catch anything. Yet they wonder why they dont catch anything...maybe they should revise their strategies and try something NEW...Sitting in one spot with 3 poles, does not make you a fisherman.

Posted at 04:18 PM

Monday, December 3, 2012

 Fished roosevelt for an hour today and caught nothing..I did however see small fish and something jump...not sure if it as a fish or not, it was 60 degrees 

Posted at 06:17 PM

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
My Quantumn Code Combo

 I have to say. I bought a Quantumn Code combo from Dicks sporting goods, over 3 years ago for $130 and its been my go to rod for jigs since day one. I have more expensive rods and reels but this thing handles like a charm, 6 and a half ft. medium heavy 7.3.1 gear ratio and its all black... doesnt get any better. Ive landed many a big bass with this rod and im sure it will hold  up for a few more years, better get a back up....its only drawback (if any) is casting distance decreases with braided line and the heavier test the line.

Posted at 10:22 PM

Monday, June 6, 2011
killing them

Destroyed them at Risisng sun the other day in the rain, on a black Zara along the shore line. Also at the secret spot with a football jig.

Posted at 08:22 AM

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