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"Get Hooked on New Jersey"

Mike H's Blog

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Blog Entrys:
A day at the stream
Saturday, July 10, 2010
A day at the stream

Me and my buddy Matt were fishing one day down at a local stream known as lawrence brook. I was useing a white booyah pond magic. I casted out into the middle of the stream in the flowing water. I let my spinner bait fight the current and then out of know where a small largemouth hit it and i fought it in is was only about 4 or 5 inches though. So me and my friend Matt decided to explore the stream (something wev'e never done before. So we were fighting and fishing our way through dense forest and fianlly came to a small pond that connected to the stream. I was fishing for a little bit and we were kind of just screwing around when I got the STRIKE. I was bringing my spinner bait along some lilly pads when there was a wake from beneth them. Then before I knew it my pole was bent over and I was fighting a fish that made me say basically every bad word there was to say. It was a huge piceral! The fish was going nuts jumping and shakeing its head but i got it in and landed it. As it turns out the fish was 4.2 Lb's. I would have liked to release it but it swallowed the hook and kripled my spinner bait so I winded up keeping it and eating it for dinner.

Posted at 10:42 AM


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