I don't know why people eat fresh water bass Im new to fishing fresh water but from what. I read it better to catch and release so they can get bigger and from what. I read the bluegill eat the bass eggs pulse I don't like the fact that the water is dirty from people throw thing in the water .I must pick up a shopping bag full of cans fishing line and bags of chips and beer cans . I'm just asking because I was fishing today and I guy what to take a bass that was like around a pound and a half so I saw him walking the bass to his cool and I went up to him an ask I'm to throw it back and he did after we talk for like an hour . But when I left i have been think how many bass do people bring home. Thanks hope a lot of u guys practice catch and release so our bass can get bigger and please clean up after people who don't care

Posted Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:28 pm


Here is a link for fish consumption advisories in NJ.

Even before it became popular to catch & release fish. I was doing this, because my father taught me not to keep what was not going to be eaten. This applied to both fish and game. I also taught my kids this valuable lesson. I now catch, tag and release more fish, because of all of the consumption advisories. As you already stated by releasing fish it improves the stock, size and the pleasure of enjoying the fight a large fish.

Posted Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:19 am

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