So i hit my normal spot on Monday afternoon, pull up and there is a car parked in front of the launch, was able to back around with a few tries but was a pain in the ass. Asked a few guys who were near and no one belonged to it. When i got back there is young girl sitting in the car ( probably 20 something) on her phone...surprise, so i walk up and very politely ask her not to park in front of the ramp in the future, and her response was......." you can go around" I told her it was a problem and she should have a little courtesy, and she still doesnt move as i am trying to remove my boat..................F*%#*)@G MILLENNIALS

Posted Wed May 01, 2019 9:23 am

I totally agree with your rant. The problems started when parents stopped being parents and became buddies and friends to their children. This is why there is no respect, manners, politeness, but instead you get selfishness, rudeness, stupidity and disrespect. I once had a similar situation at the boat ramp.
I politely asked them to please move their car so I could launch my boat and was immediately told to mind my own business and #$%@*& off. So, I started to back down the ramp and got as close as possible to their car, with my son giving hand directions and telling me that I getting too close to their car. I really didn’t need my son’s help, but we planned it out this way. The rude “yuppies” panicked and took off. I thought that was the end of it until they came back with the Park Ranger. After the Ranger talked to me and other people at the ramp, he issued two tickets for blocking the ramp and not having a ramp permit to the “yuppies” This was one of my best days of fishing, because I landed a lot of fish as well as three under size “yuppies”

Posted Thu May 02, 2019 7:41 am

It doesnt happen often, but every now and again we get a little justice. Just zero common courtesy anymore.

Posted Thu May 02, 2019 8:19 am

As you can see that I said Yuppies and not Millennials, which are basicly the same thing, but from a different time. haha

Posted Thu May 02, 2019 8:38 am

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